Cairo - Mubasher: The Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority (EMRA) signed four agreements with Australia's Centamin and Canada's B2Gold for the exploration and development of gold and accompanying minerals in 15 new blocks with investments of more than $17 million, according to a statement on Monday.

As part of the first round of the gold exploration tender launched by the Egyptian government in 2020, a total of 10 local and international companies have signed 20 gold exploration agreements for 56 blocks with investments of over $47 million.

B2Gold signed an agreement for gold exploration in six blocks with investments of $8 million, while Centamin signed three other deals for exploration in 19 blocks with investments of $9.1 million.

The results of the second round of the gold exploration tender will be announced after considering all submitted offers, the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El-Molla, said.

Source: Mubasher

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