RIYADH — Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman reaffirmed that oil market surprises would continue as the Kingdom would do ‘whatever is necessary’ to maintain the market stability. “In fact, I think people must be in their comfort zone, and realize that this market is not going to be left unchecked,” Al-Arabiya.net reported quoting him as saying.

The minister continued saying: “I'm definitely in my comfort zone, and that’s why I am enjoying my day, and I am going to enjoy the rest of the day.”

While referring to gossips circulating in the oil market, Prince Abdulaziz said that he and his colleagues are not easily intimidated, and are very much focused on their businesses. “I hear some of these stories here and there and I laugh, because I know it will take a week or two, that whatever may be the narration of their stories, they will be denied by the facts other than having to go to great lengths to try to prove that these stories are not true.”

He suggested that people would be able to hear what we have to say to them directly instead of hearing it from a second, third, or fourth party, where the content of the message would be changed.

Prince Abdulaziz indicated that he is in the absolute comfort zone, saying: “I will combine what Alan Greenspan and Mario Draghi said, that we will complete the efforts of the surprise markets, and I will make a slight change to what Draghi said: “We will do everything necessary, not everything required, but what is only necessary.”

The minister added: “I would like to quote Elton John’s famous song: “I’m still standing after all this time... we'll light up.”

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