CAIRO - Egypt’s state grains buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), said on Tuesday it bought 470,000 metric tons of wheat in an international tender.

The purchase comprised 180,000 tons of Romanian wheat, 120,000 tons of French wheat, 120,000 tons of Ukrainian wheat and 50,000 tons of Bulgarian wheat.

Traders gave the following breakdown of the purchase in dollars per metric ton:

Supplier QTY/ Origin Shipment FOB/270 Freight C&F KMT -day LCs LDC 60 UKR July $268.80 $34.15 $302.95 5-15 Bunge 60 FR $281.00 $23.25 $304.25 July 5-15 Viterra FR $281.00 $23.25 $304.25 July 60 5-15 CHS 60 RO $281.50 $19.25 $300.75 July 5-15 Buildcom 50 BGR $284.25 $14.70 July 5-15 $298.95 AMS 60 RO $281.50 $19.25 $300.75 Ameropa July 5-15 ADM 60 RO $19.25 $300.75 July 15-25 $281.50 Nibulon 60 UKR $282.00 $19.25 $301.25 July 15-25

(Reporting by Sarah El Safty and Michael Hogan Editing by Chris Reese and Leslie Adler)