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I get bitten by mosquitoes way more often than my friends and family. Why is that? And is there anything I can do to make it stop?
Mosquitoes are drawn to all people, said Christopher Potter, an associate professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. But if you find yourself flitting them away more frequently than those around you, it’s possible you’re one of the unlucky ones who is inherently more tempting to mosquitoes.
There is not a single, definitive reason some people get bitten more than others, Potter said, in part because it’s a challenging problem for scientists to study.
But experts have identified two main categories that make us more attractive to mosquitoes: biological aspects we can’t change and behaviours we can.
Chief among the first group is how you smell. Dozens of diverse molecules distributed throughout your body come together to create your unique odour.
“It’s like strawberries — there’s no one odour in a strawberry that gives it that smell,” Potter said. “It’s a combination of a dozen odours that all come together.”
And it’s likely this distinctive mix of chemical compounds that draws mosquitoes in, he said.
It’s also possible that some people emit more of the odour that mosquitoes like, said Lindy McBride, an associate professor of ecology, evolutionary biology and neuroscience at Princeton University.
That doesn’t mean someone who’s particularly fragrant to humans will always be a mosquito target — mosquitoes are sensitive to different smells, even ones humans can’t detect, McBride said. For instance, “mosquitoes love forearm odour,” she said. “No one ever thinks of their arms as being smelly.”
Mosquitoes are attracted to sebum, a waxy, oily substance on the skin that protects it from drying out and contains molecules that contribute to your odour.
Blood type may also matter, said Dr Christopher Bazzoli, an emergency medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic who specialises in wilderness medicine. Mosquitoes seem to gravitate toward people with Type O blood, he said, for reasons researchers haven’t confirmed.
The individual pattern of how you breathe — what Bazzoli called the “breathing signature” — also plays a role. Mosquitoes seek out carbon dioxide, and the more we exhale, the more carbon dioxide we send into the air, inviting bugs our way.
Then there are the factors that are more dependent on how you act throughout the day.
If you were to do a vigorous workout outside, you might breathe more heavily and exhale more carbon dioxide, which might usher in mosquitoes, Potter said.
Sweat sends a powerful signal to mosquitoes too, McBride added — particularly sweat that’s lingered for a few hours, mixing with bacteria on our skin.
And if you’ve had a few beach-side beers or happy hour margaritas, you might also emit some alcohol in your sweat, Bazzoli said, which can lure mosquitoes in. Additionally, alcohol might change the chemical makeup of your body odour, he said, which could entice mosquitoes.
There are a few evidence-based strategies for warding them off.
Some fragrant personal care products such as certain perfumes and scented soaps and lotions can attract mosquitoes, Bazzoli said, so if you’ll be spending time outdoors when mosquitoes are around, try to use products that are fragrance free.
Certain clothing colours like black and dark blue can act like a mosquito magnet, he added. Research also suggests that mosquitoes are drawn to bright oranges and reds. Stick to lighter colors, Bazzoli said; and if you want to be extra careful, wear long sleeves and pants.
A number of insect repellents can help keep mosquitoes at bay, in part by effectively masking the smell of your skin, Potter said. Wirecutter, the product recommendation service from The New York Times, recommends those that contain instead of DEET.
There are also electronics and gadgets like specialised string lights or gear made by the company Thermacell that may help clear mosquitoes from the outdoor space around you.
Or, you can try a simple trick recommended by McBride: Grab a fan and point it under a table. As indestructible — and endlessly annoying — as mosquitoes may seem, they struggle in a breeze, she said. “They’re not good flyers.”
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