ArabFinance: Egypt is among seven countries moving to Britains red list in June, the UK government said in a statement.

All changes to the lists will come into effect at 4:00 am on Tuesday, June 8th.

The list includes Afghanistan, Bahrain, Costa Rica, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Egyptian travelers entering the UK will be required to quarantine at their own expense for 10 days in a government-designated hotel.

Only British or Irish nationals or those who have residence rights will be allowed to enter the UK from Egypt.

The governments priority is to protect public health, and it has therefore decided to act quickly to make this change, the statement highlighted.

All classification changes have been decided by ministers, informed by the latest data and analysis by the Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) and wider public health factors, to help people understand the risks to public health here from travelers returning from different destinations.

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