Jake Koehler, a popular Youtuber also known as 'Dallmyd', calls himself a 'Treasure Hunter' and makes videos of himself scuba diving into the ocean while hunting for lost treasures.

Koehler put up a half-hour long video on YouTube detailing his experience of being on 'Mission III'. The Titanic expedition in which 5 lives were lost, was 'Mission V'.

Joined by his girlfriend, Kyndall Johnson, the two embarked on a trip shortly before the tragic incident – unaware of what the future was going to bring. In the detailed account that he has shared, he begins by telling the audience that there are going to be "a lot of smiles and a lot of laughs" in the video, as they had no idea what was to happen in the days to come.

After travelling to Toronto and getting onto a ship, the YouTuber said that he would be putting up there for a couple of days along with other participants in the expedition.

While showing his viewers around the ship, he even talks about someone called 'PH', also known as Paul-Henri Nargeolet, a Titanic expert, who was later lost in OceanGate's Mission V.

In the video, he then explains how the first two missions to the Titanic had not taken place due to adverse weather conditions and problems with the submersible.

Just after an attempt in the third mission, an OceanGate employee is seen on screen as he explains why an attempt of the expedition had to be called off.

He went on to explain that there are three types of dives that the sub does. The first is a platform dive in which the sub doesn't leave the platform but takes a dip underwater. The second dive is an 'engineering dive' which goes to the depth of 3,000 ft. After which, if everything continues to go according to plan does the final dive take place – till the Titanic.

He said that a dive had been cancelled that day after "choppy seas" and some computer-related issues began to surface. Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, even says that "it just doesn't seem quite right", which is why he "called it".

A short while later, Koehler is seen gearing up to enter the Titan sub. He then gets out of the ship, onto a small raft in order to head to the platform where the sub is.

Documenting the experience, Koehler shows his viewers how the small sub fits 5 people in it, and was being bolted from the outside to ensure no water gets in.

The short-lived experience of the dive looks mesmerising from the viewpoint. With a diver coming in front and gesturing to Rush that they were all 'locked in'. However, Koehler later says that the sub did not even leave the platform and the entire mission was eventually called off due to bad weather.

Last Thursday, almost 96 hours after the fifth mission to the Titanic began, authorities had said that the submersible had likely imploded, instantly killing everyone in it. On board the submersible were Stockton Rush, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman.

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