MAKKAH — Dr. Mohammed Al-Abdulaali, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health, highlighted a major challenge facing this year’s Hajj season: the significant rise in temperatures.

Dr. Al-Abdulaali advised pilgrims to adhere to the ministry’s health guidelines, including carrying umbrellas to avoid direct sun exposure, drinking sufficient amounts of water, and taking rest periods between rituals to reduce fatigue and heat stress.

He emphasized the importance of these measures to ensure the safety and health of pilgrims during the performance of Hajj rituals.

The ministry is making all efforts to provide a healthy and safe environment for pilgrims amidst the harsh climatic conditions.

The National Center for Meteorology (NCM) announced that the weather in the holy sites for this year’s Hajj season will vary from hot to very hot, with temperatures ranging between 45 and 48 degrees Celsius and little potential for rain. This situation underscores the necessity for pilgrims to follow the health guidelines strictly.

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