RIYADH — Women employees must be given maternity leave of six weeks after the delivery, according to the new amendments to the Labor Law that will come into effect on Thursday.

The amendments stipulate that women workers can avail of a total of 12 weeks of maternity leave of which six weeks are mandatory leave after the delivery while the remaining six weeks can take as per her discretion. The eligibility to take the maternity leave begins four weeks before the expected delivery date.

The amendments to the law also include granting the employee 3-day leave upon the death of brother or sister. There is another amendment that allows the employer to compensate overtime hours with provision of vacation days, provided that the worker agrees to it.

Regarding notice of termination of an indefinite contract, the amendment stipulated that the worker must notify the employer at least 30 days before terminating the contract if the request is from the side of the worker. If the termination of the contract is by the employer, he must notify the worker at least 60 days before termination. The amendments also confirmed the commitment to equal opportunities and non-discrimination between newcomers and existing workers.

The amendments stipulate that the probationary period shall be 180 days. Both parties have the right to terminate the contract during the probationary period, and the cancellation shall not be limited to one party. The amendments included the commitment to provide housing and transportation or provide cash allowance for the same. It is also required to document the employment contract in accordance with what is specified in the regulations.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development hopes that the new amendments would contribute to ensuring a much more attractive labor market, in addition to further improving the contractual relations between employers and employees. 

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