UAE-based charitable society Friends of Cancer Patients (FOCP) recently launched a Zakat fundraising drive to support patients who are currently battling the Big C.

Besides providing financial aid to these brave warriors, the Ramadan drive — titled Worth More Than Words — also seeks to dispel the stigma associated with the word ‘cancer’. It aims to encourage individuals from all walks of life to contribute to the fight and ease the economic distress faced by patients.

The fundraiser was put together in accordance with the guidelines set by Sharjah's Permanent Fatwa Committee. The Zakat funds that will be collected will go towards supporting the medical requirements of cancer patients who need financial support.

How to donate

To support FoCP's noble cause, individuals can purchase Zakat coupons through their website,,

Donations can also be transferred to FOCP's bank account: 007-520-0257455-01 at the Dubai Islamic Bank (International Bank Account Number IBAN: AE32 0240 0075 2002 5745 501).

People can also donate by sending an SMS with the word 'Zakat' to the following designated Etisalat numbers to contribute: 6447 to donate Dh20; 4426 to donate Dh50, 4467 to donate Dh200; or 2308 to donate Dh500.

"No matter how small the donation may seem, the generosity of various community segments in this noble effort creates a significant difference for patients and can save the lives of thousands every year," said Aisha Al Mulla, director of FoCP.

She added: “The FoCP collected Dh2.7 million last year, where the majority of the funds (60 per cent) were allocated towards medicines and chemotherapy treatments. Additionally, 18 per cent was spent on surgical operations, 9 per cent on medical tests, and 9 per cent on radiotherapy. The remaining amount was utilised to acquire medical equipment and supplies.”

Over 250 cancer patients, including 200 females, 34 males, and 16 children, benefitted from the FoCP's campaign in 2022.

Thousands of volunteers and beneficiaries have also been involved in initiatives and programmes that focus on raising awareness about cancer risks, early detection methods, and offering financial and moral support to patients and their families.

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