Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan seemed to have visited Dubai recently, though there is no clarity on the exact date yet. In a picture shared by SRK’s manager Pooja Dadlani on Instagram Stories on Tuesday, the actor is seen sharing the stage with Mohamed Ali Alabbar, the founder and chairman of Emaar Properties. The text accompanying the story said "At The Oasis Emaar Launch".

The Emaar Group has also released pictures and videos from the launch event on social media. In one of the posts, Shah Rukh Khan, who has been the brand ambassador of Dubai since March 2016, is seen sitting next to Mohamed Ali Alabbar as they look at The Oasis launch video. The actor has been the brand ambassador of Dubai since March 2016

At the event, Shah Rukh Khan, picked a finely tailored suit for the gala evening, also spoke about Dubai’s infrastructure and how he and Mohamed Ali Alabbar became friends.

The actor, in a video released on YouTube, said, “A common friend of ours introduced me to Mohamed Ali Alabbar. Then, I decided to visit his office. At that time, Dubai was beginning to become what it has become today. And, I was expecting to go to a lush office. But Mohamed Ali Alabbar took me to a place that we call a chai [tea] shop. It was somewhere in the corner outside of the cityside. Small benches…What we, in India, call a dhaba and introduces it as his office.” The actor added that he loved the chai they had at the place.

SRK fan accounts on Twitter, too, shared photos and videos of the event.

Shah Rukh Khan will next be seen in Jawan, directed by Atlee. The film also features Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. Shah Rukh Khan also has Rajkummar Hirani’s Dunki in the pipeline.

Shah Rukh Khan’s last film Pathaan was a blockbuster hit. It broke a number of records at the Indian box office. Deepika Padukone and John Abraham were also part of the Siddharth Anand directorial.

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