MAKKAH — The Saudi Public Security, represented by the General Traffic Department, announced the start of preventing unauthorized vehicles from entering the Holy Sites effective from Tuesday, Dhul Hijjah 5, corresponding to June 11. The ban will be in force until Dhul Hijjah 13, corresponding to June 19, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The Hajj Security Forces Command for Traffic Affairs warned that anyone, who is caught transporting pilgrims without a Hajj permit, will be slapped with penalties, including up to six months in prison and SR50000 in fine.

The penalties for the transporter will also include confiscation of the vehicle used for transportation by the ruling of a court, if it is owned by the transporter or his accomplice or shareholder. If the transporter is an expatriate, he will be deported after serving the jail term and payment of fine, and there will be a ban for his reentry into the Kingdom in accordance with the periods of time specified in the law.

The seasonal committees at the entry points to Makkah will handle cases of illegal transportation of pilgrims that are transferred from the field control authorities. These violators will be produced before the committee, which in turn will consider the violations, and issue administrative decisions and penalties against the violators. The penalties will be doubled in the event of providing transportation for more than one pilgrim without a permit.

The Traffic Department announced that SR10,000 fine will be slapped on those who enter Makkah without a Hajj permit. The penalties will be imposed on anyone who caught without a Hajj permit within the holy city of Makkah, the Central Haram Area, the Holy Sites of Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah, the Haramain train station in Rusayfah, security control centers, Hajj grouping centers and temporary security control centers. The penalties will be imposed on those, who violate the regulations and instructions issued by the ministry in this regard.

A fine of SR10,000 will be slapped on violators, including Saudi citizens, expatriates and visitors caught within the specific geographical area without having a Hajj permit. Expatriates among the violators will be deported to their country and a ban on reentering the Kingdom will be imposed on them in accordance with the periods specified by law.

The Public Security called for the importance of adhering to the regulations and instructions of Hajj so that the guests of God may enjoy safety, security, ease and comfort while performing their rituals.

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