KUWAIT CITY: Director of the Department of Public Hygiene and Road Works in Capital Municipality Meshal Al- Azmi revealed recently that the department has set a timetable for carrying out organized field campaigns to impound all bicycles, buggies (ATVs), and scooters of all kinds that are rented out on the sidewalks of the coastal strip (seafront), reports Al-Rai daily.

He said, “Whatever is impounded during these campaigns will not be released until after the fines incurred by the violators are paid.”

Al-Azmi indicated that the value of the violation could reach up to KD 500, revealing that there will be no reconciliation, especially since the department deals with the violators as hawkers.

He stressed that these games are dangerous and cause inconvenience to families, sea-goers, and walking and running enthusiasts, and they are also against the law.

Al-Azmi revealed that the department impounded the bicycles, but not the games that are licensed by Kuwait Municipality.

He said, “The activity of renting unlicensed games falls under the violation clause of hawking, and accordingly the applicable regulations and fines are applied in case of any violator carrying on his activity without a license.”

Al-Azmi explained that the practice of cycling is not prohibited as some claim. Its follow-up is not within the competence of Kuwait Municipality.

What is prohibited is renting it to the public. Here is where the department has to play its role in preventing this phenomenon, especially since any craft conducted without obtaining a license is considered a violation of the regulations and the law is applied to it.

He said, “Whoever has a license will not be considered a violator. He will be allowed to practice his activity. However, anything else other than that licensed activity is prohibited, and we will take legal measures against him.”

Meanwhile, Director of the Department of Public Hygiene and Roads Works in Hawally Municipality Muhammad Al-Jaba’ affirmed that the department is constantly monitoring the coastal strip, and following up on street vendors who rent bicycles and cause inconveniences to sea-goers who cannot practice their hobbies comfortably due to obstruction of their path within the places designated for them.

He indicated that the makeshift football, basketball and volleyball grounds on state properties, specifically on the coastal strip, are prohibited and in violation of the law, adding that if any of them are detected, they will be removed immediately.

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