Tunisia – President Kais Saied stressed during a meeting with Prime Minister Kamel Madouri on Monday that the document on the key development directions "must mark a definitive break with the past, not only in its title but above all in its content".

According to a statement from the presidency, the head of state stressed that "for decades, many have discussed a development model but failed to achieve it - not because they couldn't, but because they didn't really want to. Instead, they have sought to perpetuate policies that have widened economic and social inequalities".

The President of the Republic stressed that Tunisia urgently needs new ideas and concepts to replace outdated slogans and concepts that have long lost their relevance.

He also addressed the draft law on public procurement for strategically important projects, claiming that the current laws are outdated and have harmed the national interest.

"Billions have been allocated, but many projects have either never started or have been abandoned shortly after they were launched," the President pointed out.

On Saturday, a small cabinet meeting examined a proposed decree outlining special procedures for the implementation of major public projects of strategic importance.

Prime Minister Madouri reiterated that this meeting was convened in line with President Saied's directives to review all legal texts and procedures that hinder the implementation of both public and private projects.

He stressed that public procurement serves as a strategic driver for economic and social development, adding that the speedy implementation of public projects, in addition to facilitating private investment, is crucial to boosting the country's economic recovery.

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