Tunisia - The ferries linking the island of Djerba to El Jorf (Medenine) will now come under the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport, having previously been under the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.

This was decided at a small Cabinet meeting held on Saturday morning at the Government Palace in the Kasbah and chaired by the Prime Minister, Kamel Madouri.

During the meeting, the need to develop this public service and to speed up the promulgation of the regulations for the transfer of the supervisory authority to the Ministry of Transport was stressed.

According to a press release from the Prime Ministry, this decision will ensure that the transport of persons and vehicles by ferry on Djerba complies with the legal and regulatory requirements of maritime transport, particularly in terms of safety conditions, while taking into account the efficiency and quality of this public service.

To this end, it has been decided to set up a steering committee bringing together the various ministries and structures concerned, which will be responsible for determining the type of structure to be set up for the efficient management of this public service (Djerba ferries).

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