Tunisia - The financial balances of the draft finance law for 2025 were the focus of a Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Kamel Madouri on Saturday at the Government Palace in the Kasbah.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of the draft finance law for 2025 as an embodiment of the state's vision and decisions, which are mainly to stabilise the recovery and achieve economic take-off by stimulating investment and continuing to strengthen the foundations of the social state.

The Prime Minister emphasised that the Finance Law should be based on the evaluation of the achievements made, the accumulation of positive results and the anticipation of developments according to a vision that reconciles the requirements of efficient and optimal use of State resources and programmes.

He also urged to continue working to counteract economic, social and climatic impacts, to improve the sustainability of public finances and to create conditions and means for the success of the structural transformation of the national economy.

The Prime Minister also pointed out that the improvement in economic and financial indicators should be accompanied by measures aimed at consolidating the option of fiscal justice, controlling inflation, increasing purchasing power, developing the social protection system and responding to the expectations and aspirations of the Tunisian people.

The Minister of Finance reviewed the main general orientations adopted in the preparation of the financial balances of the draft finance law for 2025.

These include eliminating vulnerable forms of employment, increasing allocations for social transfers, maintaining the subsidy system, respecting national options in mobilising resources and encouraging entrepreneurship.

This is besides completing financial and economic reforms while continuing to control the budget deficit, ensuring the sustainability of public debt, ensuring that Tunisia meets all its internal and external financial obligations, and continuing the state's role in investing in infrastructure and improving services to citizens.

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