Tunisia - Prime Minister Kamel Madouri chaired the Council of Ministers on Thursday at the Government Palace in the Kasbah on behalf of President Kais Saied.

The Prime Minister urged strengthening policies and programmes aimed at enhancing the social role of the state, in line with the strategic guidelines set by President Saied.

According to a statement issued by the Prime Ministry, the Council approved several draft decrees, laws and orders.

The Cabinet approved a draft decree on the establishment of the Aghlabids Medical City in Kairouan.

This decree aims to establish a regulatory framework for the management of the integrated project, which will include several health and medical structures of various specialities. It will also include higher education institutions and incubators for entrepreneurs.

It also amended a decree amending and supplementing Decree No. 20 of 2022.

The decree concerns the "Fidaa" institution, which provides assistance to victims of terrorist attacks by the military, internal security forces and customs, as well as to the heirs of revolutionary martyrs and the injured.

The amendments aim to strengthen the institution's social support systems, including revising pension schemes, improving access to housing programmes, creating employment opportunities, supporting the education of beneficiaries' children and establishing a comprehensive health care system.

A draft decree on the social protection system for female farm workers was also approved by the Council of Ministers.

The new system will empower women agricultural workers by increasing their economic independence, improving their income and ensuring a decent standard of living.

It also aims to recognise their role as key economic actors in the development of the agricultural sector.

This social protection fund will provide health insurance, insurance against accidents and occupational diseases, and a secure retirement pension for female agricultural workers, in addition to ensuring their safe transportation.

The Council of Ministers also approved a draft order on procedures for the implementation of major public projects

This decree outlines several measures aimed at removing obstacles that hinder the planning, execution and monitoring of major public projects.

The procedures aim to speed up the completion of planned major projects, address delays in stalled public projects, improve the competitiveness of Tunisian companies and enhance Tunisia's attractiveness as an investment destination.

A bill approving the loan agreement with the African Development Bank was also approved at the meeting.

This agreement, signed on June 13, 2024, provides for a loan from the African Development Bank (as manager of the Strategic Climate Fund) to finance the project for the improvement of semi-forest agriculture and the rehabilitation of degraded forest and pasture ecosystems.

The Council of Ministers also approved a draft law on approving the financing agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The agreement, signed on July 12, 2024, will contribute to the financing of the "DINAMO" project, which focuses on integrated small-scale mountain agriculture in the northwest.

These agreements aim to create an integrated economic, social and environmental dynamic in several governorates (Beja, Jendouba, Kef, Siliana and the northern mountainous region of Bizerte) by empowering local communities through semi-forestry agriculture, rehabilitating ecosystems and increasing their resilience to climate change.

A draft decree waiving penalty for late payment of social security contributions was also approved at the meeting.

This decree supports companies in difficulty by allowing them to pay their debts to the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) and keep jobs, while at the same time helping the CNSS to collect its outstanding dues from indebted companies and individuals and encouraging them to resolve their situation amicably.

The Council of Ministers also approved a draft decree on the creation and suppression of university service institutions

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