The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) has revealed Egypt’s inter-trade volume with international blocs during 2023. These blocs include ESCWA, CEN-SAD, COMESA, the Group of Fifteen, the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, and the Developing Eight (D-8). Egypt’s total exports to these blocs reached $42bn in 2023, marking a 5.1% increase compared to $39.9bn in 2022.

Among these blocs, Egypt’s exports to the Arab Free Trade Area stood at $13.3bn in 2023 (up from $12.2bn in 2022, a 9.4% increase), followed by ESCWA with exports valued at $10.9bn (up from $9.9bn, a 9.8% increase). COMESA ranked last, with exports valued at $4.2bn (compared to $3.5bn, a 17.4% increase).

In the same period, Egypt’s total imports from these blocs amounted to $37.5bn, down from $48bn in 2022 (a decrease of 22%). The Arab Free Trade Area remained the top source, with imports valued at $12.4bn (compared to $17bn, a 27% decrease). The Group of Fifteen followed with imports valued at $10.3bn (down from $12.4bn, a 17.1% decrease), and the CEN-SAD bloc ranked last with imports valued at $918m (down from $1.1bn, a 19.7% decrease).

CAPMAS also reported on Egypt’s trade volume with international blocs that do not include Egypt. In 2023, Egypt’s total exports to these blocs reached $17.4bn, down from $24.4bn in 2022 (a decrease of 28.7%).

Egypt’s exports to the European Union led the way, valued at $13.1bn in 2023 (compared to $19bn in 2022, a 31.3% decrease). NAFTA followed with exports valued at $2.5bn (down from $3.3bn, a 24% decrease), and the EFTA bloc ranked last, with exports valued at $482.1m (compared to $162.5m, a 196.7% increase).

Additionally, Egypt’s total imports from these non-Egyptian blocs were $36.6bn in 2023 (down from $42bn in 2022, a 12.9% decrease). Imports from the European Union amounted to $21.2bn (compared to $23.1bn, an 8.1% decrease), followed by NAFTA with imports valued at $6bn (down from $7.5bn, a 19.9% decrease). The EFTA bloc ranked last, with imports valued at $1.25bn (compared to $1.35bn, a 6.6% decrease).

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