A labourer works at a textile mill in Mahalla el-Kubra, about 110 km north of Cairo March 5, 2014. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany Image use for illustration.
CAIRO- Egyptian Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouli affirmed on Saturday that his government seeks to develop and advance the textile industry. In a press statement, the Egyptian Cabinet said that this came during Madbouli's tour in in El Mahalla El Kubra, where he inspected factories of Misr Spinning and Weaving company. Madbouli pointed out that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi gives great attention to the textile sector, with ongoing directives to continue development and modernization of this important sector, adding that there is a national strategy to develop the textile industry.
For his part, Minister of Public Business Sector Engineer Mohammad Al-Shemi praised the ministry's efforts put in this national project. He noted that the project aims to double production capacities in yarn and double textile capacities eight times, in addition to maximizing the production of lint, adding that the development of Misr Spinning and Weaving Company in El Mahalla El Kubra includes the establishment of five new factories and the development of three others.
In this regard, he stressed the continuous follow-up of the project's status in various aspects, including construction work and the supply of modern machines from major international companies, as well as employee training programs to handle modern technology. The Prime Miniter was accompanied by a host of lawmakers and State officials.
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