AMMAN — The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the validating reasons for the amended draft of the Real Estate Property Law for the year 2023.

The law, assigned under urgent status, will be sent to the Legislative and Opinion Bureau for the necessary procedures.

The draft law is meant to reassign jurisdiction in cases related to resolving disputes over joint ownership, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

This decision comes in response to the practical challenges encountered when this jurisdiction was initially delegated to administrative committees within the land registration directorates.

The draft legislation also contains provisions aimed at encouraging investment by reducing restrictions on property ownership.

The Council of Ministers has approved an amended Judicial Service System for Sharia Judges for the year 2023.

This decision was accompanied by the endorsement of an end-of-service reward system for employees of the Judicial Judges and Sharia Courts operating in Jerusalem during the same year.

The Cabinet also decided to appoint Radi Musa Al Hammadeen as the President of the Audit Bureau.


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