MUSCAT: Oxy Oman, wholly-owned subsidiary of US-based international energy firm Occidental, achieved hydrocarbon output (corresponding to its production share) averaging 66K barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from its sizable upstream portfolio in Oman in 2024.

The figure mirrors output levels recorded in 2023, but represents a 2 per cent uptick from the 2022 level of 65K boepd, the company revealed in its newly published 2024 Annual Report.

Significantly, Oman’s output was among key contributions that helped the multinational corporation achieve a record combined production of 1.33 million boepd across its global portfolio in 2024.

In her opening remarks, Vicki Hollub, President and CEO — Occidental, listed Oxy’s prolific international assets in Oman, the UAE and Algeria, besides the Dolphin Energy Project, as having been instrumental in the achievement of this figure.

In Oman, Oxy — the largest independent oil producer in the country — has a portfolio of eight upstream assets. It is the operator of Block 9 (50 per cent interest), Block 27 (65 per cent), Block 53 Mukhaizna Field (47 per cent), Block 62 (100 per cent) and Block 65 (51 per cent), while holding working interests in Blocks 30 , 51 and 72 (all 100 per cent apiece), which are in the exploration phase. In terms of the size of this portfolio, the company noted: “Occidental holds 6.0 million gross acres and has 10,000 potential well inventory locations.”

Notable among these concessions is Block 9 from which Oxy has produced over 823 million gross blocks since the beginning of its operation “through successful exploration, continuous drilling improvements and EOR projects,” it said in the Annual Report.

Also prolific is the Mukhaizna Field in Block 53 where a major EOR based pattern steam flood project utilises some of the largest mechanical vapour compressors ever built.

“Since assuming operations in the Mukhaizna Field in 2005, Occidental has drilled over 3,600 new wells and has produced over 634 million gross barrels,” Oxy further noted.

Significantly, around $400 million was invested in capital development across all of the Oman blocks in 2024, primarily towards the drilling of 95 wells and execution of facilities projects to support development and EOR activities. Going into 2025, Oxy aims to continue to enhance production by adding extended and dual laterals, stimulating wells with the Oxy Jetting wellbore stimulation system and expanding thermal conformance, it said.

Through the Dolphin Pipeline, owned 24.5 per cent by Occidental, Oman receives around 200 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of natural gas. Dolphin Energy (DEL), which owns and operates the 230-mile-long, 48-inch-diameter natural gas pipeline, transports dry natural gas from Qatar to the UAE and Oman.

In 2025, Occidental plans to spend $5.8 billion to $6.0 billion in the development of its oil and gas assets globally. This compares with oil and gas capital expenditures, including exploration, of approximately $5.3 billion in 2024 and primarily focused on Occidental’s assets in the Permian Basin, DJ Basin, Gulf of America and Oman.

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