MUSCAT: Bilateral relations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Federal Republic of Germany are witnessing remarkable development in all fields, as established diplomatic relations that extend back to more than 50 years have resulted in a fruitful economic partnership between the two countries.

The visit of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to the Federal Republic of Germany in July 2022 reflected the depth of bilateral relations binding the two friendly countries, and represented a new starting point for greater economic relations, especially in the fields of renewable energy and green hydrogen, and the strengthening of close cooperation in various fields.

During His Majesty’s visit to Germany, His Majesty the Sultan held official meetings with Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, which discussed the prospects for joint cooperation between the two countries and ways fostering them in various fields to achieve the aspirations of the two friendly peoples.

During the visit, His Majesty the Sultan met with a number of German businessmen and CEOs of German firms with the aim of developing trade relations and enhancing investment opportunities between the two friendly countries in various sectors.

His Majesty’s visit to the Federal Republic of Germany also saw the signing of a joint declaration of intent for cooperation in the field of energy in fulfilment of the desire of the two friendly countries to continue strengthening and developing it on the basis of mutual benefit.

The official visit of Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier to the Sultanate of Oman comes as a reinforcement of these close and strong bilateral relations represented by the enhancement of cooperation between the two friendly countries based on the good relations and mutual respect between the two countries.

There is no doubt that the political file will be on the agenda during the bilateral meetings between His Majesty the Sultan and Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier in light of the events the region is witnessing, and many issues will be the subject of discussion and consultation between the two leaderships.

Accordingly, Omani-German relations were established on the basis of respect, good faith and mutual trust in dealing with many contemporary international issues. Their effects were reflected in the two friendly countries to find positive rapprochement in a number of issues of concern to both sides on the regional and international arenas, and to consider dialogue, peaceful methods and the principles of international law as the most effective foundations and best ways to achieve international peace and security.

The Omani-German Joint Committee works concretely to develop and enhance cooperation between the two friendly countries by holding meetings to enhance trade exchange, deepen economic cooperation and multiply investment opportunities in the fields of energy, technology, culture, science and academic exchange.

The Omani-German Friendship Association is among the first associations established at the beginning of the 1970s as a bridge of communication between the two countries. It was established at the request of civil society leaders to develop the bonds of cooperation and friendship between the Sultanate of Oman and a number of countries in various fields including the economic, commercial, cultural, scientific, artistic, media, sports and social fields.

The Sultanate of Oman has a number of bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding with the Federal Republic of Germany that aim at developing economic and industrial cooperation between the two countries, encouraging mutual protection of investments, regulating air services and cooperating in health and other fields.

The volume of trade exchange between the Sultanate of Oman and the Federal Republic of Germany recorded more than RO 214 million by the end of 2022. The most important commodities exported from the Sultanate of Oman to Germany were methanol products, polyethylene, aluminium, electrical materials, and foodstuffs such as fish and others, while the most important commodities imported by the Sultanate of Oman from Germany were vehicles, machinery, electronic devices, medicines, food products, among others.

The number of German companies registered in the Sultanate of Oman by the end of 2022 reached 44 companies, with a total invested capital exceeding RO 16 million in various sectors including construction, mining, quarrying, industry, health, oil and gas, and others. 

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