The visiting President of Kuwait Chamber of Industry and Commerce Mohammad Al-Sagr on Friday affirmed significance of the Kuwaiti-French relations noting that it is a great state with membership in the United Nations.

Al-Sagr, also the head of the Kuwaiti side in the Kuwaiti-French Friendship Committee, was speaking to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) following the joint commission's first meeting in the French capital. He described it as important and fruitful, indicating that the two sides defined broad lines for mutual cooperation.

He also indicated that it was an opportunity for acquaintance among the commission members and a prelude to the second "and prime" session, due in Kuwait in April, during which the two parties would work out the common task document.

The two sides, earlier this month, held a meeting in Kuwait to discuss blueprints for "finding solutions to challenges" facing development in the two countries.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Al-Jedai', lauded the "excellent bilateral relations" between the State of Kuwait and France in various sectors. Speaking during the session, the ambassador affirmed, "this opportunity depicts the strong bonds between the two countries not only at the official level but also at the popular level." Ambassador Al-Jedai' alluded to a visit to France by Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, three months ago, describing it as quite successful and focused on means of cementing the bilateral relations and cooperation at the regional level.

At the cultural level, the Kuwaiti writer, Taleb Al-Rifai, who was engaged in the talks, said in remarks KUNA that although the commission tasks are focused on the private sector, "the benefit will expand to all sectors in the State of Kuwait." "Economy should be a leverage for cultural, artistic and literary works," he said.

The Kuwaiti-French committee, comprising eminent personalities of diverse specialties, had been established to strengthen the mutual relations, conduct cooperation with France; a strategic ally of heavyweight on the international political, economic, cultural and technological arenas.

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