KUWAIT - Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) put much significance on the "historic brotherly bonds" and promoting multi-faceted cooperation, while exerting efforts to address regional and international challenges.

The aforementioned remark was part of a joint statement released on Wednesday after talks between His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and UAE President Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al-Nahyan during an official state visit to the UAE.

In their talks, both sides discussed ways to boost bilateral ties and ways to enhance them, remembering the leading role of the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and former Kuwaiti and Emirati leaders in building those relations.

On economy, trade and investment, His Highness the Amir and the UAE President collectively praised the growth of commercial relations, as non-oil trade between the two countries have grown 2 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, reaching USD 12.2 billion.

They both, according to the statement, emphasized the importance of expanding cooperation horizons and seizing opportunities between the neighboring countries by welcoming Kuwaiti and Emirati investors to expand their businesses in vital fields in light of achieving "Kuwait Vision 2035" and "We the UAE 2031" vision.

On politics, both sides praised the close political, diplomatic, economic, financial and commercial relations. In addition to the fields of communication, energy, cyber security, maritime transportation and other fields of cooperation.

On security and defense, both leaders were keen on bolstering cooperation and developing strategic partnerships to ensure the safety and security of their countries and region, stressing will on reinforcing cooperation in combating crime and terrorism.

Both sides reiterated the importance of facing radicalism in all its forms and battling racism and hatred by elevating the spirit of forgiveness and human solidarity.

The GCC leaders also discussed the latest regional developments, stressing the importance of Iraq's respect for the sovereignty and territorial unity of Kuwait pursuant to relevant bilateral agreements, the international conventions and UN Security Council resolutions.

The UNSC Resolution 833/1993 clearly delineated the land and maritime boundaries between Kuwait and Iraq, the GCC leaders noted, reiterating the call for completing the demarcation of the maritime boundaries beyond mark 162.

Moreover, they also renewed the call for Iraq to implement the agreement regulating shipping through Khor Abdullah waterway, which was signed with Kuwait in 2012, came into force on December 5, 2013, and lodged to the UN in December 2013 after the legislatures of both countries endorsed it.

The Iraqi side unilaterally quit a protocol on security cooperation of 2008 and the arrangements for safety of navigation through Khor Abdullah waterway of December 2014 though both documents have clearly-cut provisions for negotiated amendment or cancellation.
Kuwait and UAE later went on to back efforts of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) in efforts to identify remains of "Kuwaitis and third-country nationals." Regarding Al-Durra oilfield, the GCC leaders reaffirmed that it is entirely located in Kuwait's territorial waters and that the natural resources in the adjacent submerged divided area between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia belong solely to both countries.

They rejected categorically any claims by a third party of having any right to the divided zone, clearly delineated between the Kingdom and Kuwait.

Both leader later reaffirmed their stance on Iran's continued occupation of the three UAE islands of Abu Musa, and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, renewing support to the UAE's unequivocal sovereignty over those islands, including their territorial waters, airspace and continental shelf.

On the navigation in the Red Sea, the two sides stressed the importance of maintaining the security and stability of the seawater inlet region and respecting the right to maritime navigation therein per the provisions of international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea to preserve the freedom of global trade.

Additionally, both sides touched on the situation in Palestine and other Arab-occupied territories, expressing deep concern regarding the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

The two sides stressed the need for the international community, especially the Security Council, to assume its responsibilities to stop military operations in the Palestinian territories and protect civilians by international law and international humanitarian law, and called for pressure on Israel, the existing authority.

The occupation must stop its aggression and prevent attempts to impose forced displacement on Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, which is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and international laws, they added.

Both sides affirmed the need to reach a just settlement of the Palestinian cause by the principle of the two-state solution as stated in the Arab Peace Initiative and the relevant international legitimacy resolutions in a way that guarantees the Palestinian people their right to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

In the conclusion of their talks, His Highness the Amir congratulated the Emirati President on the success of the 28th edition of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Expo City Dubai and the approval of the "UAE Consensus" on climate change, also the success of the World Governments Summit. In addition to UAE's progress and achievements in the field of Aerospace.

UAE President Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al-Nahyan decorated His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with the Order of Zayed in appreciation to His Highness's efforts in strengthening the historic bilateral relations between the two countries.
On his part, His Highness the Amir conferred the UAE President with the Order of Mubarak Al-Kabir.

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