A fishing boat passes in front of the Kuwait City skyline. Stephanie McGehee, Reuters. Image used for illustrative purpose.
KUWAIT -- Minister Al-Jarallah said in a press statement that the sought solutions and options over the "liquidity crisis entail preemptive solutions to avert any disruption in the monetary flows." Media report suggesting that "the public law and taxes are among the government priorities are inaccurate," he said, adding that such priorities are included in its manifesto.
The debts law was addressed to the parliament in 2017. It was one of the options and not the sole one, "and we are currently preparing plans for tackling the problem if it takes place without hurrying with the public debts law." The government is committed to "the framework of cooperation and priorities in the assembly," the minister said, adding that all alternative options and blueprints would be submitted to the committees of the cabinet and the assembly to choose the best.
These laws require government-parliament consensus and they need to be discussed on technical grounds, he said indicating at the approach to strengthen the economy, raise the gross domestic product and the national products and development rates thus enhancing the credit ranking of the state.
The ministry of finance is seeking to boost non-oil returns, exempting the added tax value and excise taxes, and there are many solutions that enhance the non-oil proceeds without affecting citizens' livelihood.
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