Cybersecurity and information security are essential pillars for fostering digitalization excellence in today's interconnected world. Image Courtesy: EBank Image used for illustration purpose.
MUSCAT-- Kuwait's Chairman of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Sheikh Humoud Mubarak Al-Humoud Al-Sabah on Wednesday affirmed significance of the "Muscat Ministerial Declaration" that focuses on the aviation cybersecurity and protecting the sector's infrastructure.
Sheikh Humoud was speaking to KUNA on the margins of his participation in the 8th edition of the "security week for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO 2024), hosted by the Omani capital. He was there as representative of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Minister Defense Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Saud Al-Sabah.
He said the declaration, adopted during the meeting, is a crucial step for setting priorities for international aviation security, in preparation for the 42nd general assembly of ICAO in September 2025. The gathering witnessed discussion panels on on means of attaining balance between security requirements and sustainability goals of the aviation sector.
Meanwhile, Sheikh Humoud held talks with the Omani Minister of Communications and Transports Saeed bin Hamoud Al-Mawali and the Qatari Minister of Transports Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Thani. He affirmed during the meetings necessity of coordination with the sisterly countries on aviation topics.The ICAO meeting kicked off last Monday. It will proceed until tomorrow.
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