Bahrain’s non-oil exports of products of national origin fell 12% to BD316 million ($838.3 million) in May 2024, compared to BD360 million for May 2023. The top 10 countries in exports (National Origin) accounted for 73% of the exports (National Origin) value.

Saudi Arabia ranked first among countries for the non-oil exports (National Origin) with BD64 million (20%). The US was second with BD34 million (11%) and the UAE third with BD31 million (10%), Bahrain’s Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) said in its Foreign Trade report.

Unwrought Aluminium Alloys were the top products exported with BD93 million (30%), followed by Agglomerated Iron Ores and Concentrates Alloyed at BD59 million (19%) and Aluminium Wire not Alloyed at BD20 million (6%).

Non-oil re-exports

The total value of non-oil Re-exports decreased by 28% to reach BD51 million in May 2024, compared to BD71 million for same month in 2023. The top 10 countries for Re-exports accounted for 88% of the re-exported value. The UAE ranked first with BD19 million (37%) followed by Saudi Arabia with BD15 million (29%) and Germany with BD2 million (4%).

As per the report, Private Cars were the top product re-exported from Bahrain with a value of BD3.3 million (6.5%), followed by Four Wheel Drive BD3.1 million (6.1%), and Gold Ingots with BD3 million (6%).

As per the report, the value of non-oil imports has decreased by 2% reaching to BD466 million in May 2024 in comparison with BD475 million for same month in 2023. The top 10 countries for imports recorded 69% of the total value of imports.

Imports to Bahrain

According to the report, China ranked first for imports to Bahrain, with a total of BD63 million (14%), followed by Brazil with BD47 million (10.1%) and Australia with 46 million (9.9%).

Non-Agglomerated Iron Ores and Concentrates were the top product imported to Bahrain with a total value of BD51 million (11%), followed by Other Aluminium Oxide with BD40 million (9%) and Four-Wheel Drive third with BD15 million (3%).

As for the Trade Balance, which represents the difference between exports and imports, the deficit recorded BD99 million in May 2024 compared to a deficit of BD43 million in May 2023.-

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