Following are selected highlights from a report issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) post in Nairobi:

"Uganda's coffee production in 2024/25 is forecast to reach 6.9 million bags (60 kg), an increase of 40,000 bags from the previous year, due to adoption of good agricultural practices, targeted interventions to combat pest and disease outbreaks, and maturation of new high-yielding seedlings planted in recent years."

"2024/25 consumption is anticipated to rise by 1.2% to reach 330,000 bags largely due to the proliferation of coffee outlets in Kampala city and other urban areas. 2024/25 exports are expected to slightly increase from 6.52 million to 6.58 million bags because of increased domestic supply."

(Reporting by Marcelo Teixeira in New York; Editing by Susan Fenton)