UAE - Zoho launched an e-commerce solution, Zoho Commerce, to help businesses set up and manage online sales. Zoho Commerce is powered by Zoho's AI assistant Zia and is VAT-compliant.

Deep integration with other Zoho products like Zoho Books (online accounting software) and Zoho Campaigns (email campaigns software), helps businesses take care of the front and back end of their e-commerce operations.

The e-commerce market in UAE is expected to be $17.8 billion by 2020 as over 80 per cent of the internet users shop online.

"Any business without an online presence will find itself struggling for market share, and will sooner or later be disrupted," said Hyther Nizam, President MEA, Zoho Corp. "Zoho Commerce makes it easy for businesses to start selling online. Together with Zoho's ecosystem of products, businesses can catapult their growth by optimising their business while also automating their back-end processes."


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