As our nation plots a course to Mars, we at Expo 2020 Dubai share the UAE's great excitement towards this pioneering mission, not only as a proud historical achievement but also in its contribution to the UAE's knowledge economy.

The Mars Mission's Hope Probe is a welcome demonstration of optimism amid a challenging time for people across the world. It is a tremendous accomplishment for the UAE as we approach the 50th anniversary of the founding of our nation, and it marks a new and exciting era of progress. It also comes just 10 days after the UAE government announced a new structure, with an emphasis on advanced technology and the digital realm as an essential part of its future direction.

These actions demonstrate the UAE's continuing ambitious, progressive vision, as well as its commitment to diversify the economy into a more innovative, creative and competitive knowledge economy.

The Hope Probe is due to enter the Mars orbit in 2021 - the year we celebrate our Golden Jubilee and host the first World Expo in our region - and these are values that are also at the heart of Expo 2020 Dubai, a powerful platform for inspiring solutions to some of our most pressing global challenges.

We are facing a very different world, where a spirit of solidarity and global cooperation is more important than ever before. The recent pandemic has highlighted how embracing technological advances and digital innovation will be paramount in enabling humanity to thrive.

From programmes that have kept us up-to-speed at the workplace, connected us with friends and family, and educated our children in virtual classrooms, to online shopping, mobile health apps and a host of digital entertainment, digital technology has been propelled to the forefront of our lives.

Such innovations will continue to transform the way we live and work. They will ensure that we remain interconnected, nimble, more efficient, and better equipped to seize opportunities and address challenges. When we share our ideas and develop them collaboratively, we can improve people's lives and create a better future for everyone.
This is what we mean at Expo 2020 Dubai by 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future'.

When we open in October 2021, Expo will be a crucial platform for showcasing breakthrough ideas and future-shaping innovations, convening some of the brightest minds and greatest ideas from around the planet and encouraging new collaborations with the potential to spark a new generation of technology.

At the same time, Expo 2020 will be one of the smartest, fastest and most connected places on earth, deploying cutting-edge technologies that include a 5G network, AI-powered and virtual and augmented reality visitor experiences, and the latest in smart building technology that will monitor and minimise energy consumption.

For six months, these technologies will inspire and educate our visitors, as well as enhance their experience. Even more significantly, their benefits will extend well into the future as they are deployed and developed at District 2020, the innovation ecosystem that will evolve from Expo 2020.

This human-centric smart city will encourage industry and technology growth in the UAE and the region and support Dubai's vision of a digital and interconnected city, adding impetus to its aspirations to be a global leader in smart cities and supporting the UAE's advance towards an innovation-driven economy.

Space exploration has long represented cutting edge of innovation, progress that will be continued with great pride by the Emirates Mars Mission. At Expo 2020, we believe that this mission will provide inspiration and learnings that will help catalyse a better future here on Earth.

Mohammed AlHashmi is Chief Technology Officer of Expo 2020 Dubai

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