Salalah – The Environment Authority (EA) opened a tender for the development of the Khor al Qurm al Kabir Reserve in Salalah in Dhofar, to boost the site’s appeal – both for tourists and investments.

EA is seeking proposals from investors for the management and development of the reserve, with a focus on creating preliminary designs and strategies to attract more tourists.

All development plans must align with the policies set by the EA, the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, and other relevant bodies, the authority stated.

Khor al Qurm, which boasts a rich variety of plant life, is located along the road connecting Salalah and Raysut. Investors have until October 10 to submit their bids for this project.

The EA reported that six of Oman’s nature reserves attracted a total of 83,414 visitors in 2023. These reserves, known for their natural beauty and diverse ecosystems, offer visitors the chance to explore scenic landscapes, camp, and dive.

According to the EA’s 2023 annual report, Daymaniyat Islands Nature Reserve welcomed 71,261 visitors, followed by Al Saleel Nature Park – 10,024 visitors, Arabian Oryx Reserve – 1,059, Qurm Nature Reserve – 416, Ras al Shajar Reserve – 413 and Wadi Sireen Reserve with 241 visitors.

The report also highlighted the EA’s efforts to conduct scientific research and improve tourism facilities in these reserves.

It stressed that Oman’s 26 nature reserves play a crucial role in preserving biodiversity and boosting the country’s reputation as an ecotourism destination. These reserves contribute significantly to domestic tourism and national revenue.

Looking ahead, the EA plans to develop nine new nature reserves to further promote ecotourism. In addition, new investment guidelines for these reserves have also been issued.

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