Dammam: The Saudi Ports Authority (Mawani) today announced the extension of the exemption period for storage fees for exported empty containers at King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam from 10 days to 20 days, starting today for a duration of six months. This initiative aims to support operational processes for all beneficiaries and stakeholders in the port sector and to facilitate trade and supply chains.

This incentive is part of Mawani's efforts to enhance operational efficiency, increase the speed of empty container retrieval, improve truck turnaround times, and improve the level of provided logistical services. It also aims to enhance import and export processes, support the economic environment and commercial activity in the Kingdom, boost partnerships with the private sector, and offer attractive competitive services, thereby contributing to the support of global supply chains.

The initiative contributes to the smooth and flexible movement of exported containers, quick completion of procedures, faster truck turnaround times, and addressing the continuous increase in cargo volume. It helps clear the yards rapidly, improving port performance and raising quality and productivity levels, in line with the objectives of the National Strategy for Transport and Logistics Services, by enhancing the Kingdom's position as a global logistics hub.