RIYADH — President of the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi has emphasized that generative artificial intelligence (AI) will enhance existing human jobs rather than eliminate them. It will automate some tasks without taking over all responsibilities, according to a recent study published by the International Labor Organization.

He noted that AI is expected to create 69 million jobs in the next five years, as per the latest report on the future of jobs released by the World Economic Forum.

Al-Ghamdi made the remarks in a speech at the first international conference on the labor market, organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in Riyadh.

The SDAIA chief stressed that the current evolution of the labor market toward AI is not necessarily a threat to jobs but rather an opportunity to enhance human capabilities and find innovative solutions if applied correctly according to related policies and regulations. "Generally, AI will not take away jobs but those who utilize AI will have a priority in occupying available positions."

He said: "The labor market has seen the emergence of previously unknown job titles such as AI Engineer, AI Researcher, Data Scientist, AI Artist, AI Writer, Input Engineer, Content Experts, and more." He pointed out that these dynamic changes in the labor market lead to strategic challenges due to a shortage of skilled employees in new areas, with employers competing for this limited talent pool.

Al-Ghamdi added: "Statistics indicate that about 77% of companies worldwide find it difficult to find the talents they need in 2023, a significant increase from 38% in 2015." He warned that failing to strategically and proactively address this situation could lead to risks in the labor market, creating a large gap between job seekers and the available jobs.

He also explained that in a proactive step by the leadership to address this challenge, a royal decree was issued in 2019 to establish SDAIA, to lead the agenda of AI and big data in the Kingdom, enhance specialized capabilities, and find sustainable solutions for the labor market related to these two vital fields.

Al-Ghamdi affirmed that through the national AI strategy launched in 2020, it is possible to transform crises into opportunities and turn the AI revolution from a threat to a supporter of the labor market.

He pointed out that the national AI strategy aims to qualify 20,000 specialists, scientists, and experts in the fields of data and AI and to raise awareness among 40% of the workforce in the market. SDAIA's strategy relies on three main stages: Inspiration, which involves creating interest in the importance of AI; Building and Empowering specialists in the field; and Sustaining solutions by distinguished experts.

Regarding the inspiration phase, Al-Ghamdi reported that SDAIA has raised awareness about data and AI among 600,000 people, and they aim to reach 40% awareness among employees in the public and private sectors by 2030.

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