Abu Dhabi - The Emirati Talent Competitiveness Council (NAFIS) has signed an MoU with Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du), which involves du's participation within the NAFIS programme, a federal initiative that aims to increase the contributions of Emirati citizens within the private sector and raise their efficiency and qualifications.

In the signing ceremony, NAFIS was represented by Ghannam Al Mazrouei, Secretary-General of the UAE Talent Competitiveness Council, while du was represented by Fahad Al Hassawi, Chief Executive Officer at du.

The collaboration between du and NAFIS aims to enhance the cooperation between the two parties to spread awareness and introduce the initiatives and programmes offered by NAFIS through the company's various platforms and means of communication, as well as implementing the initiatives and programmes aimed at encouraging UAE nationals to join the private sector.

The agreement also aims to enhance du's contribution to providing job opportunities for Emirati citizens in the various fields that serve operations within the telecommunications sector, in addition to attracting qualified Emirati talent to raise the competitiveness of the telecommunications sector in the UAE.

Commenting on the agreement, Al Mazrouei said, "We hope that this partnership will achieve the desired goals in providing job opportunities that meet the hopes and requirements of UAE citizens, especially in light of the rapid developments of the telecommunications sector thanks to the digital revolution, which created new and diversified investment opportunities, and paved the way for the emergence of new jobs that are driven by knowledge in technology and artificial intelligence.

"The telecommunications sector, which is closely related to the world of technology, will be pivotal for young people looking to engage in sustainable future jobs. Telecommunications also incorporates the retail sector, so, with this agreement, we can extend the participation of more UAE nationals in customer relations".

The NAFIS programme is continuing to achieve Emiratisation rates in the private sector with set deadlines through partnerships with private and government organisations," he added.

Al Hassawi, in turn, stated, "As part of this partnership, du will place a strong emphasis on the retention of UAE National talent by hiring 500 Emirati employees in five years and focusing on their growth and development within the business and the wider retail sector."

He added, "We have developed a comprehensive strategy to attract, develop and retain UAE Nationals to occupy positions that meet and exceed our business requirements and offer training programmes designed to upgrade their capabilities and improve their skills. We are also establishing partnerships further contribute to a knowledge-based economy and prepare a new generation of Emirati leaders across multiple business sectors and fields."