Qatar - ICT spending in Qatar is set to reach $5.6bn this year and $6.2bn by 2026, according to a latest forecast by International Data Corporation (IDC).

In its regional forecasts for the year ahead, IDC revealed that it expects telecommunications services spending in Qatar to increase, with IT spending set to grow from $3.14bn this year to $3.6bn in 2026.

This, IDC noted, aligns with Qatar’s national vision which aims to build a vibrant ICT sector as part of an advanced knowledge economy and a sustainable future for its people.

“To navigate storms of disruption, organisations in Qatar will need to invest in strengthening their digital resiliency so they are better positioned to succeed in new market environments as conditions continue to change," says Jyoti Lalchandani, IDC's group vice president and regional managing director for the META region.”

"Regardless of what the economy throws at us over the coming 12 months, the implementation of further digitalisation in critical areas such as customer experience, operations, and financial management together with a more rapid shift to a 'digital business' approach will be key to separating the thrivers from the survivors.

“To this end, we expect to see digital transformation spending as a share of overall IT spending continue to grow, reaching $3.6bn in 2026, up from $3.14bn in 2023," he added.

In a digital-first economy, where an enterprise's competitiveness is tied to its digital business model, leaders will avoid wholesale cutbacks in tech. Further, new tactics will be employed as tech leaders seek to realise maximum business value from their tech investments. In Qatar, spending on Enterprise IT will reach $1.87bn and consumer spending will reach $1.08bn in 2023.

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