Cairo –  Egypt plans to transform Sharm El-Sheikh into a smart sustainable green city, to increase the ratio of open areas per capita for both citizens and visitors from around the globe.

The General Authority for Urban Planning, Ministry of Housing, in cooperation with the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat), is working on a strategic masterplan for Sharm El-Sheikh as one of Egypt’s biggest touristic attractions, said Khaled Fouda, Governor of South Sinai.

Sharm El-Sheikh is surrounded by a large number of protectorates in South Sinai, including Rass Mohammed, Egypt’s largest natural park and a top destination for diving; Nabq, which has more than 134 plant species; as well as Abu Galoum, where high mountains meet sand beaches and dunes, desert valleys and water springs, added the governor during his participation at the 10th World Urban Forum (WUF), held in Abu Dhabi on 8-13 February 2020.

Saint Catherine and Taba are another two Egyptian cities that are home to many rare and native plants, that do not grow anywhere else on earth, Fouda further noted.

The World Urban Forum (WUF) was established in 2001 by the United Nations to address the rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, policies, and climate change.


Source: Mubasher

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