30 April 2016
Muscat: Orpic's Sohar Refinery Improvement Project (SRIP) has achieved a major milestone of 20 million man hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI).

With more than 12,000 people on site, SRIP is one of the key strategic growth projects which is scheduled for commissioning in 2016.

Ralph Clim, Acting chief operating officer (COO), Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic), said, "Safety is our number one priority. We have a diligent and experienced team who is committed to ensuring the construction and future operation of this project is achieved to its highest standards. We believe that all incidents can be avoided. We have a wide range of tools to help us but it all starts with our attention and commitment. We believe that tomorrow is our reward for working safely today."

The SRIP is a multibillion-dollar capital investment for Orpic, which is being delivered in response to the need to upgrade Orpic's refining capability in order to further maximise the value of Omani crude oil, and to ensure that the Sultanate's increasing demand for fuel will be met.

In addition to the immediate commercial benefits that SRIP brings to the business, it will also have a social economic impact on other areas.

"Enhancing In-Country Value is an integral part of our growth strategy and substantial benefits are anticipated. More than 400 direct, permanent jobs will be created, and around 2,400 Omani contract roles has been offered over the project lifetime. The project is also anticipated to result in local business participation, with an estimated 900 indirect jobs to be generated by the multiplier effect the Project will have on the local economy," Ralph added.

© Times of Oman 2016