Egypt - Jumia Technologies registered a gross merchandise volume (GMV) of $150 million, including the sales of Jumia Egypt, during the Black Friday season this year.

The GMV was 30% year-on-year (YoY) higher than the amount recorded in 5-30 November 2020 period, according to a press release.

Preliminary figures showed 4.3 million total orders for the whole group, up 39% YoY from the same period in 2020.

In a recent interview with Mubasher, Hesham Safwat, the CEO of Jumia Egypt, said: “During Black Friday season, we succeeded in achieving great sales through our partners, and year after year sales rates are increasing magnificently.”

There were approximately 40 million unique visitors to Jumia platforms, rising by 27% on an annual basis.

The Black Friday season this year registered more than 46,000 active sellers, compared with 41,500 in 2020.

“GMV of the food delivery category almost doubled year-over-year and the top 20 restaurants during the 2021 event experienced on average 167% GMV growth,” according to the statement.

The package volume more than doubled to 5.3 million packages during November season from the average monthly package volume in the first 10 months (10M) of 2021.

Jumia added: “58% of packages reached consumers the next business day while the average end-to-end delivery time decreased to 1.5 business days, compared to 2.2 business days in 2020 Black Friday.”


Source: Mubasher

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