EBI to provide MPaaS system for its candidates, trainees in Egyptian banking sector, to conduct secure online exams

The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI), the training arm of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), has signed a cooperation agreement with the leading assessment services company, Mercer Mettl.

The agreement authorises the EBI to provide the MPaaS system for its candidates and trainees in the Egyptian banking sector, to conduct secure online exams. This will take place using credible anti-cheating technology and robust security features.

The MPaaS system offered by Mercer Mettl provides a cloud-based proctoring service which relies heavily on artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It is one of the best systems currently used in this field, aimed at implementing the exams smoothly and with the highest degree of safety.

The service offers new methodologies in executing the assessment projects which allows the EBI to extend inside and outside Egypt through its online assessments. The institute will be able to do so according to efficient costs and providing the chance to execute multiple projects.

At the same time, these methodologies will be delivered in a quality that meets the international standards for performing tests remotely, and allows the implementers to verify the identity of the participants. It will also allow them to ensure the progress of the testing process, while preserving confidentiality and intellectual property.

Abdel Aziz Nossier, Executive Director of the EBI, said, “At the EBI, we are proud to provide a leading end-to-end unified online assessment platform such as Mercer Mettl which gives us the opportunity to offer the technology of MPaaS System, allowing us to secure test-takers exam environment.”

“In addition, finalising the cooperation agreement with Mercer Mettl took months to ensure that that the provision of the MPaaS system within the EBI’s Learning Management System (LMS) is effectively put into action,” he said, adding, “At the EBI, we are fully aware of the need for digital transformation, especially after the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which affected the whole world and forced a lot of countries to close borders to contain the virus spread.”

He noted that the EBI was ready during this recent period with a whole set of high-tech solutions to offer training and assessments remotely.

For his part, Ahmed Eid, Head of the Assessment Department at the EBI said that the MPaaS system is one of the most famous cloud-based proctoring systems that allows the implementers to verify the identity of the participants before starting the assessment.

It also makes sure that they follow the assessment’s instructions and there are no attempts to cheat or to copy the assessment content.

The MPaaS System secures a video report on the candidate’s performance highlighting any breaches or attempts to cheat. Once the candidate starts the assessment remotely, they will not be able to open any window other than the assessment window until the assessment is finished.

Eid said, “Mercer Mettl is considered as a supporting platform for educational institutions to apply digital transformation as an alternative to traditional paper and pen testing methods.”

He also noted that the MPaaS system offers a cloud-based proctoring service giving the universities and institutions the opportunity to reach their students, trainees and candidates in remote locations ensuring transparency and credibility.

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