ABU DHABI - The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi, DCT Abu Dhabi, has announced a new ‘Library Talks’ Programme for 2020.

With a focus on libraries as a profession in the Arab world, this carefully curated programme will shed light on the latest related developments, issues, information and subjects affecting this vital public service sector.

The sessions will host renowned specialists, researchers, academics and respected professionals in a series of virtual monthly sessions.

The remote sessions will be held in Arabic via the Microsoft Teams platform, in the middle of each month between September and December 2020.

Each will feature a guest speaker who will guide attendees through the latest developments in relation to a specifically chosen theme.

Speaking about the programme, Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Executive Director of the Dar Al Kutub Sector at DCT Abu Dhabi, said, "The industry has been dealing with many far-reaching changes over the past few years, not least the issue of digitalisation and a wholesale shift away from physical print. Add a global crisis such as the current pandemic into the picture and it’s clear that many in this sector would benefit enormously from the expertise of leading specialists, scholars and academics.

"Only by listening to the advice of these highly experienced individuals will we be able to get a thorough understanding of best practice, now and in the future. Reading is a bedrock of civilised society and we should do everything in our power to encourage it. Libraries are, by extension, pillars of society, and need our patronage, even if that’s in the digital space through online workshops and other engaging activities. The Library Talks programme will pay rich dividends by allowing key practitioners to benefit from the wise counsel of those at the very top of their professions."

Starting in September and running until December 2020, the four sessions are presented by Libraries Expert Imad Abu Eid, and structured as follows; session one "Arab Federation for Libraries and Information" will take place on 15th September and the speaker will be Dr. Hassan EL-Sereihy – President of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information; session two "The Arab Libraries DigiMap Project" will take place on 13th October and the speaker will be Ahmed Elmasri – CEO of The Arab Libraries DigiMap Project; session three "Reading Clinic" is set to be held on 17th November and the speaker will be Dr. Wissam Musleh, reading expert; and session four "The Arabic Union Catalogue" will be held on 13th December and the speaker will be Dr. Saleh Al-Musned – Head of the Arabic Union Catalogue.

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