28 February 2016
Tehran - Governor of Central Bank of Iran (CBI) in a meeting with South Korean minister of trade, industries and energy proposed opening of a joint account with Central Bank of South Korea to serve as basis for clearing two countries' banks debts to each other.

Valiollah Seif said in his meeting with his South Korean Minister of Trade, Indsutries and Energy Joo Hwang-wan that the proposal aims to establish a mechanism to clear debts of the two countries to each other.

Appreciating Seoul's cooperation with Tehran during the sanctions' period, Seif said that keeping in mind the bilateral cooperation during the tough times before the JCPOA, the resolve for advancing the ties is very strong on both sides and so are the capacities for boosting economic, commercial and industrial cooperation.

The CBI governor also considered the upcoming visit of Iranian President to South Korea as a turning point in bilateral ties.

The South Korean Minister of Trade, Industries and Energy Joo Hwang-wan said in the meeting that drawing the perspective for Iran-Korea future economic ties, clearing the debts among the two countries' banks, and defining credit lines between the two sides are on the agenda.

'We are highly interested in cooperation on economic and trade fields, construction of industrial infrastructures, ICT, automobile assembly lines, shipbuilding, hospital construction, vocational training and steel industry cooperation with Iran,' said South Korean minister.

© IRNA 2016