Business Summary
Deutsche Bundesbank is a Germany-based central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany. Eurosystem monetary policy is the Bundesbank’s core business area. Other core business areas include the financial and monetary system, banking supervision, cashless payments and cash operations. The main core business area is Eurosystem monetary policy and its primary task is to maintain price stability in the Euro area. In the banking supervision business the Bundesbank performs a key operational task by helping to secure a financially sound banking industry and, ultimately, the stability of the financial system. In cashless payments, the Bundesbank fulfils its statutory mandate to provide for the smooth settlement of payments in Germany and abroad. To this end, it also operates its own payment systems. In the cash management segment, the Bank ounterfeit money as well as damaged or worn coins and banknotes are removed from circulation.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse 14
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