Business Summary
Established in 1950 under the Monetary Law Act No.58 of 1949 (MLA), the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) is the apex institution in the financial sector in Sri Lanka. It is a semi-autonomous body and, following the amendments to the MLA in December 2002, is governed by a five member Monetary Board, comprising the Governor of the CBSL as Chairman, the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and Planning and three members appointed by the President of Sri Lanka, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, with the concurrence of the Constitutional Council. With a view to encouraging and promoting the development of the productive resources of Sri Lanka, the CBSL is responsible for securing its core objectives of economic and price stability and financial system stability. The CBSL is also responsible for currency issue and management. In addition, the CBSL is the advisor on economic affairs as well as the banker to the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL). Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
Sri Lanka
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
P O Box 590, Colombo 01
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