Business Summary
Barclays PLC is a diversified bank with five divisions comprising Barclays UK, Barclays UK Corporate Bank, Barclays Private Bank and Wealth Management, Barclays Investment Bank and Barclays US Consumer Bank. The Barclays UK division represents businesses that sit within the United Kingdom ring-fenced bank, Barclays Bank UK PLC and its subsidiaries, and comprises Personal Banking, Business Banking and Barclaycard Consumer UK. The Barclays UK Corporate Bank division offers lending, trade and working capital, liquidity, payments, and FX solutions for corporate clients. Barclays Private Bank and Wealth Management division comprises the Private Bank, Wealth Management, and Investments businesses. Barclays Investment Bank division incorporates the Global Markets, Investment Banking, and International Corporate Banking businesses. Barclays US Consumer Bank division represents the United States credit card business, focused in the partnership market, as well as an online deposit franchise.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf
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