Business Summary
International Atomic Energy Agency is a center for cooperation in the nuclear field that works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear technologies. IAEAs activities are focused on 3 areas of work Safety and Security, Science and Technology, and Safeguards and Verification. It has 164 member states. IAEA programs and budgets are set through decisions taken by its policy-making bodies the 35 members of the Board of Governors and the General Conference comprising representatives from all IAEA Member States. Its financial resources include the regular budget and voluntary contributions. The General Conference sets the annual regular budget and addresses extra-budgetary funds as well as voluntary contributions made to the Technical Cooperation Fund. IAEA has separate departments for nuclear energy, nuclear safety and security, nuclear sciences and applications, management, safeguards. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
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Government Activity
Company Address
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
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