Business Summary
Deepbrain AI has proven its world-class conversational artificial intelligence technology to be highly utilizing in many areas, including broadcasting, education, and in service industry. State-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology, analogous to real people say, can be applied in a wide variety of areas. Also, it is expected that demand will increase significantly with differentiated technology in the age of diversification. In recognition of its competitiveness and value, the company has received $2M investment from IDG Capital in 2019, and up to date, it has accumulated $9.5M. In addition, the company is currently growing in partnership with major companies such as Microsoft, Kakao Partner, and SK Telecom. It is expected to accelerate its external growth and profit expansion in the new market as it is set to make inroads into the global market based on its performance so far. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
3223 Hanover St suite 110
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