Business Summary
The way we work has evolved over time. And we see the future of work differently now. All we really want is a simple way to get things done. We reinvented the way machines and humans work together. To achieve what we once thought wasimpossible. Welcome to the new era of technology. Welcome, to Elevatus. Elevatus is a transformational technology, that re-invents outdated processes and helps you make outstanding decisions. A technology that provides unique and scalable A.I. solutions that are redefining the way industries operate. From hiring, assessing, training, educating, evaluating, organizing, to surveying, and much more. All while optimizing and centralizing all your core processes under one unified solution. We made A.I. attainable. We made A.I. accessible. We built A.I. solutions that scale, and solve your problems fairly. And this, is how we see the future of work. Elevatus. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Riyadh Park 1st Floor, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia-Na
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