Business Summary
VinFast Auto Ltd. is an automotive manufacturer. The Company manufactures and exports a portfolio of electric SUVs, e-scooters and e-buses across Vietnam, and the United States. It offers a full-scale mobility platform focused primarily on designing and manufacturing EVs, e-scooters and e-buses. The Company's designs feature its signature lighting that frames its V logo and sweeps out to the corners of the car. The EV platform consists of models, such as VF e34, VF 8, VF 9, VF 5, VF 6, VF 7, and VF 3. The Company offers two trims of the VF 8: Eco and Plus. The Eco trim offers a longer driving range. The Plus trim offers luxury features, including a panoramic glass roof, leather upholstery, a power-assisted tailgate, and captain’s chairs for the second row. The VF 9 is an advanced E-segment electric SUV featuring three rows of seats for the Vietnam, North America, and European markets. The Company’s VF e34 is an EV offering for the C-segment electric SUV entirely for the Vietnam market.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Automobiles & Auto Parts
Company Address
61 Robinson Road, #06-01, 61 Robinson
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