Business Summary
FarmERP is a Smart Agriculture ERP platform being used globally in the Agri industry for procurement, processing, supply chain, financial management and data driven analytics.This highly scalable, configurable and future ready software platform helps stakeholders to practice Digital Agriculture 4.0 to achieve profitable and sustainable agribusiness. With 18 Modules and 500 + screens, it is a single digital platform which serves 13 agriculture industry segments. FarmERP improves productivity, enhances profitability and optimizes costs. This smart ERP offers single Login experience for any agribusiness, where in integration with legacy software systems, smart IoT devices and automation systems is achieved over single digital platform. Software licensing (ownership & SAAS), customization, deployment, training, technical support and AMC services are our offerings. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
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Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Electronic Co-op Estate Pvt. Ltd. Unit No. 17, 2nd Floor,, Pune-Satara Road,
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