Business Summary
Triterras, Inc. is a Singapore-based fintech company. The Company provides finance solutions for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The Company operates Kratos, a digital financing platform to directly connect MSMEs with lenders online and source capital across commodity trading, supply chain, logistics, and ecommerce finance. Kratos is a diversified platform built to address the needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the trade and trade finance community by connecting commodity traders and lenders and enabling them to transact online, solving critical problems for this historically underserved market. Kratos enables SMEs and other parties to trade and find short term trade financing for their purchases while in transit and prior to delivery. For traders, Kratos provides transformational benefits including lower transaction costs, faster cycle times, fraud mitigation, improved counterparty discovery, and higher quality analytics and reporting.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Financial Technology (Fintech) & Infrastructure
Company Address
9 Raffles Place, #23-04 Republic Plaza
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