Business Summary
Deliveroo plc is a United Kingdom-based company which provides delivery service through its online platform. The Company is involved in offering an on-demand delivery service via a hyper-local three-sided online marketplace. It connects consumers, riders and restaurant, grocery and retail partners across local markets to bring people the products. The Company works with approximately 182,000 restaurants and grocery partners, as well as around 135,000 riders to provide the food delivery services. It covers a range of cuisines and price options, with access to approximately 158,000 restaurant partner sites globally and approximately 18,000 grocery partner sites. Its Plus subscription program provides benefits to the consumers with free delivery and additional rewards. It has built a diverse base of approximately 176,000 merchants. It operates across 10 markets, including Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Kuwait, Qatar, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
The River Building, Level 1, Cannon Bridge House, 1 Cousin Lane
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